Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Ekam Dhrithva Economics

In my earlier posts, hour glass model and Taal (beats) were considered to drive the economy. We came up with a statement Brahmandasya sarve ankath bhavathi ekam. These two blog thoughts gave reasonably satisfactory explanations.

Now how about Brahmandasya sarve ankath bhavathi ekam, ekam dhrithva. Meaning all the numbers combine to give 1, one included.

Now, that I have written about the main idea, I shall be making comments to explain more and thereby drive the economy in full steam.


  1. First things first.
    1 = sigma 2n/(n+1)!, for n = 2 to infinity was used. And
    1 = sigma 2/(2^n), for n = 2 to infinity was used.

  2. Now,
    1 = sigma n/(n+1)!, for n = 1 to infinity is also true.
    1 = sigma 1/(2^n), for n = 1 to infinity is also true.
    These are Brahmandasya sarve ankath bhavathi ekam; ekam dhrithva

  3. But consider
    1 = 3 /(2 + 5/(4 + 7/(6 + 9/(8 + 11/( . . . . . . . . . .
    The above is different than
    1 = 1/(2 – 3/(4 – 5/(6 – 7/(8 – 9/( . . . . . . . . . . .

    I shall try to theorize on above two and the fact that continued fractions are like trees.

  4. However 5 consecutive numbers give a gap. A question mark. An x.
    This explains the walking nature of Hindus and the x-factor.
    This is all I can think of.
    A beginning.

  5. The hindu is clear that spin happens and minus operation happens in ekam Dorothea.
    But -1 or -1/1 or 1/(-1) or what?
    The hindu looks for a similar transform as the one in above comment.
    Does he get a similar transform?

  6. Yes.
    In three and four consecutive numbers with square root operation.
    This gives rise to square root of -1.
    Euler model obtained hundred percent.

  7. I believe the two chambers of hour glass that my explanation has are nothing but gamma and beta functions of Euler.

  8. The argument of functions and complex functions is too deep.
    A human is able to see two axes without wastage of time..
    Gauss advocacy of complex functions seem more correct and accurate.
    But world and especially India has been using real arguments only in functions. Is it not?
